OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


plat_num: Array of 32 bit Integers [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

depth: Array of 32 bit Integers [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

exp_num: Array of 32 bit Integers [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

wmo_num: Array of 32 bit Integers [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

woce_date: Array of 32 bit Integers [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

woce_time: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

time: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

sst: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

u: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

v: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

error_latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

error_longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

drogue: Array of 32 bit Reals [plat_num = 0..42][time = 0..1463][depth = 0..0]
plat_num: time: depth:

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Data Service Support] at:

For questions or comments about OPeNDAP, email OPeNDAP support at:


Dataset {
    Int32 plat_num[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Int32 depth[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Int32 exp_num[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Int32 wmo_num[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Int32 woce_date[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 woce_time[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 time[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 latitude[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 longitude[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 sst[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 u[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 v[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 error_latitude[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 error_longitude[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
    Float32 drogue[plat_num = 43][time = 1464][depth = 1];
} woce/drifter/svp/krig/arctic/;