Dataset: /thredds/ncss/mertz/mdl/mer015_1/ ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 0009-01-17T05:15:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

Select Variable(s):

mask_psi = mask on psi-points
mask_u = mask on U-points
mask_v = mask on V-points

Variables with available Times: 2.538621E8 2.55177E8 2.564919E8 2.578068E8 2.591217E8 2.604366E8 2.617515E8 2.630664E8 2.643813E8 2.656962E8 2.670111E8 2.68326E8 2.696409E8 2.709558E8 2.722707E8 2.735856E8 2.749005E8 2.762154E8 2.775303E8 2.788452E8 2.801601E8 2.81475E8 2.827899E8 2.841048E8 seconds since 0001-01-01 00:00:00

Hsbl = depth of oceanic surface boundary layer
Zo_app = apparent bottom roughness
Zo_def = default bottom roughness
angle = angle between XI-axis and EAST
bed_wave_amp = bed wave excursion amplitude
bustr = bottom u-momentum stress
bvstr = bottom v-momentum stress
erosion_stress = sediment median critical erosion stress
f = Coriolis parameter at RHO-points
grain_density = sediment median grain density
grain_diameter = sediment median grain diameter size
h = bathymetry at RHO-points
mask_rho = mask on RHO-points
pm = curvilinear coordinate metric in XI
pn = curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA
ripple_height = bottom ripple height
ripple_length = bottom ripple length
settling_vel = sediment median grain settling velocity
shflux = surface net heat flux
ssflux = surface net salt flux, (E-P)*SALT
sustr = surface u-momentum stress
svstr = surface v-momentum stress
swrad = solar shortwave radiation flux
ubar = vertically integrated u-momentum component
vbar = vertically integrated v-momentum component
zeta = free-surface

with Vertical Levels ( s_rho ) : -0.9838709677419355 -0.9516129032258064 -0.9193548387096774 -0.8870967741935484 -0.8548387096774194 -0.8225806451612903 -0.7903225806451613 -0.7580645161290323 -0.7258064516129032 -0.6935483870967741 -0.6612903225806451 -0.6290322580645161 -0.5967741935483871 -0.564516129032258 -0.532258064516129 -0.5 -0.46774193548387094 -0.43548387096774194 -0.4032258064516129 -0.3709677419354839 -0.3387096774193548 -0.3064516129032258 -0.27419354838709675 -0.24193548387096775 -0.2096774193548387 -0.1774193548387097 -0.14516129032258063 -0.11290322580645161 -0.08064516129032258 -0.04838709677419355 -0.016129032258064516
rho = density anomaly
salt = salinity
sand_01 = suspended noncohesive sediment, size class 01
sand_02 = suspended noncohesive sediment, size class 02
sand_03 = suspended noncohesive sediment, size class 03
sand_04 = suspended noncohesive sediment, size class 04
sand_05 = suspended noncohesive sediment, size class 05
temp = potential temperature
u = u-momentum component
v = v-momentum component

with Vertical Levels ( s_w ) : -1.0 -0.967741935483871 -0.9354838709677419 -0.9032258064516129 -0.8709677419354839 -0.8387096774193548 -0.8064516129032258 -0.7741935483870968 -0.7419354838709677 -0.7096774193548387 -0.6774193548387096 -0.6451612903225806 -0.6129032258064516 -0.5806451612903225 -0.5483870967741935 -0.5161290322580645 -0.4838709677419355 -0.45161290322580644 -0.4193548387096774 -0.3870967741935484 -0.3548387096774194 -0.3225806451612903 -0.29032258064516125 -0.25806451612903225 -0.22580645161290322 -0.1935483870967742 -0.16129032258064516 -0.12903225806451613 -0.0967741935483871 -0.06451612903225806 -0.03225806451612903 0.0
AKs = salinity vertical diffusion coefficient
AKt = temperature vertical diffusion coefficient
AKv = vertical viscosity coefficient
omega = S-coordinate vertical momentum component
w = vertical momentum component

Choose Lat/Lon Location:

Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east


Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Vertical Level:

Choose Output Format:

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