Dataset: /thredds/ncss/woce/profile_float/pfloat/davis/ ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 1997-07-31T12:00:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 35640.5 days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00
with Vertical Levels ( pressure ) : 0.0 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 54.0 60.0 67.0 73.0 79.0 85.0 91.0 97.0 103.0 109.0 115.0 121.0 127.0 133.0 139.0 145.0 151.0 157.0 163.0 169.0 175.0 181.0 187.0 193.0 199.0 205.0 211.0 217.0 223.0 229.0 235.0 241.0 247.0 253.0 259.0 265.0 271.0 277.0 283.0 289.0 295.0 301.0 307.0 313.0 320.0 326.0 332.0 338.0 344.0 350.0 356.0 362.0 368.0 374.0 380.0 386.0 392.0 398.0 404.0 410.0 422.0 434.0 446.0 458.0 470.0 482.0 494.0 506.0 518.0 530.0 542.0 554.0 567.0 579.0 591.0 603.0 615.0 decibars
TEMP_qparm = Temperature Quality Flag
temperature = temperature

Choose Lat/Lon Location:

Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east


Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Vertical Level:

Choose Output Format:

NCSS Request URL:


NetCDF Subset Service Documentation