Dataset: /thredds/ncss/woce/profile_float/pfloat/davis/ ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 1997-07-18T02:24:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 35627.1 days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00
with Vertical Levels ( pressure ) : 138.0 143.0 148.0 153.0 158.0 163.0 168.0 173.0 178.0 183.0 188.0 193.0 198.0 203.0 207.0 212.0 217.0 222.0 227.0 232.0 237.0 242.0 247.0 252.0 257.0 262.0 267.0 272.0 276.0 281.0 286.0 291.0 299.0 308.0 318.0 328.0 338.0 348.0 358.0 368.0 377.0 387.0 397.0 407.0 417.0 427.0 437.0 446.0 456.0 466.0 476.0 486.0 496.0 506.0 515.0 525.0 535.0 545.0 560.0 579.0 599.0 619.0 639.0 658.0 678.0 698.0 717.0 737.0 757.0 777.0 796.0 816.0 decibars
TEMP_qparm = Temperature Quality Flag
temperature = temperature

Choose Lat/Lon Location:

Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east


Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Vertical Level:

Choose Output Format:

NCSS Request URL:


NetCDF Subset Service Documentation