Dataset: /thredds/ncss/woce/profile_float/pfloat/molinari/ ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 2000-10-16T08:02:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 36813.33472222222 days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00
with Vertical Levels ( pressure ) : 3.799999952316284 8.899999618530273 14.0 19.200000762939453 24.299999237060547 29.399999618530273 34.5 39.70000076293945 44.79999923706055 49.900001525878906 55.0 60.20000076293945 65.30000305175781 70.4000015258789 75.5 80.69999694824219 85.80000305175781 90.9000015258789 96.0 101.0999984741211 108.80000305175781 119.0999984741211 129.3000030517578 139.60000610351562 149.8000030517578 160.10000610351562 170.3000030517578 180.60000610351562 190.8000030517578 201.10000610351562 211.3000030517578 221.60000610351562 231.8000030517578 242.10000610351562 252.3000030517578 262.6000061035156 272.79998779296875 283.1000061035156 293.29998779296875 303.6000061035156 313.79998779296875 324.0 334.29998779296875 344.5 354.79998779296875 365.0 375.29998779296875 385.5 395.79998779296875 406.0 416.29998779296875 426.5 436.79998779296875 447.0 457.29998779296875 467.5 477.79998779296875 488.0 498.29998779296875 508.5 518.7999877929688 529.0 539.2999877929688 549.5 559.7999877929688 570.0 580.2999877929688 590.5 600.7000122070312 611.0 621.2000122070312 631.5 641.7000122070312 652.0 662.2000122070312 672.5 682.7000122070312 693.0 703.2000122070312 713.5 723.7000122070312 734.0 744.2000122070312 754.5 764.7000122070312 775.0 785.2000122070312 795.5 805.7000122070312 816.0 826.2000122070312 836.5 846.7000122070312 857.0 867.2000122070312 decibars
TEMP_qparm = Temperature Quality Flag
temperature = temperature

Choose Lat/Lon Location:

Mouse is not over map

Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east


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Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Vertical Level:

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