Dataset: /thredds/ncss/woce/profile_float/pfloat/schmitt/ ( Dataset Description )

Base Time: 1999-01-30T11:33:00Z

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 36188.48125 days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00
with Vertical Levels ( pressure ) : 4.900000095367432 14.600000381469727 24.399999618530273 34.20000076293945 43.900001525878906 53.70000076293945 63.5 73.19999694824219 83.0 92.80000305175781 102.5 112.30000305175781 122.0999984741211 131.8000030517578 141.60000610351562 151.3000030517578 161.10000610351562 170.89999389648438 180.60000610351562 190.39999389648438 205.0 224.60000610351562 244.10000610351562 263.6000061035156 283.20001220703125 302.70001220703125 322.20001220703125 341.70001220703125 361.29998779296875 380.79998779296875 400.29998779296875 419.8999938964844 439.3999938964844 458.8999938964844 488.20001220703125 527.2999877929688 566.2999877929688 605.4000244140625 644.4000244140625 683.5 722.5999755859375 761.5999755859375 800.7000122070312 839.7000122070312 878.7999877929688 917.7999877929688 956.9000244140625 995.9000244140625 1035.0 1074.0999755859375 decibars
CNDC_qparm = Conductivity Quality Flag
PSAL_qparm = Salinity Quality Flag
TEMP_qparm = Temperature Quality Flag
conductivity = Electrical Conductivity
salinity = Salinity
temperature = temperature

Choose Spatial Subset:

Mouse is not over map

Lat/lon subset
Coordinate subset
Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east

Disable horizontal subsetting
reset to full extension

Horizontal Stride:

Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Vertical Level:

Single Level
Vertical Stride
Add 2D Lat/Lon to file (if needed for CF compliance)

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NetCDF Subset Service Documentation