TPAC Data Server Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  cft/   --
     Folder  mertz/   --
     Folder  Ocean Simulation - Constant and Variable Forcing/   --
     Folder  woce/   --
     Folder  oaflux/   --
     Folder  mooring/   --
     Folder  crc_ctd/   --
     Folder  wod05_ctd/   --
     Folder  wod05_mbt/   --
     Folder  wod05_xbt/   --
     Folder  wod05_atlas/   --
     Folder  cars/   --
     Folder  kerguelen/   --
     Folder  satgem/   --
     Folder  core/   --
     Folder  cmap/   --
     Folder  ncep1/   --
     Folder  ncep2/   --
     Folder  auscom/   --
     Folder  cmar_data/   --
     Folder  quickscat/   --
     Folder  eddies/   --
     Folder  CFT bias-adjusted 6-hours data/   --
     Folder  CFT bias-adjusted monthly data/   --
     Folder  CFT bias-adjusted decadal averages/   --
     Folder  CF1.4 Translated Datasets/   --
     Folder  Ocean Colour Data/   --
     Folder  RLS Reef Fish Dataset/   --
     Folder  [TEMP] Weather@Home ANZ/   --
     Folder  [TEMP] LiDAR (CFT)/   --
     Folder  MOM Test Data /   --
     Folder  Oxygen/   --
     Folder  Tasmanian Coastal Environmental Modelling [CSIRO]/   --
     Folder  Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC [ACECRC]/   --
     Folder  Cryospheric Data of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean (CDASO) [ACECRC]/   --
     Folder  Global Ecosystem Modelling [IMAS]/   --

TPAC Digital Library at Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing see Info
THREDDS Data Server [Version 4.6.14 - 2019-07-23T11:04:31-0600] Documentation